Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Vying for Mommy's Attention...

Last night, I called to talk to my daughter, Sara, about some dates for a visit to San Antonio's Sea World. It's hard to catch up to her with her work hours, especially on Tuesday when she stays late to tutor kids. We were using the wonderful FaceTime feature on our phones so I could see her in her pre-bedtime state - makeup removed and lounging PJs.  And, she could see me in mine - no makeup to start with and a cup of hot tea in hand.

After hellos with my grandson Adler, and a round of seeing who could stick out their tongues the best, Adler went about his business of making the call impossible.  Jumping on Mommy, swatting at the phone and talking silly. I saw a lot of the ceiling during this first round match. I decided to ditch the Mommy conversation and turned my attention to him.. I reminded him that Mimi and Papa were picking him up tomorrow from his school. Before we could even talk about the park, he was gathering things to throw!

Mommy and I said he better go find Daddy! Which he did... for a few minutes we were able to talk. Then, I saw Sara's eyes dart and here comes that sweet face in the screen - only he's got his earphones on and his iBee (iPad) to watch educational videos - maybe a Tom and Jerry cartoon too. He gave me his mean look and climbed over Sara looking for a way to worm into her arms.

Sometimes, it takes getting hit over the head with a brick for me to realize something... Adler was vying for Mommy's attention and I was cutting in!  Bye Sara - we'll talk later!

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