Sunday, March 17, 2013

My Friend, Darla

This is my friend, Darla, and the best compliment I can pay her is that she's Wacky! I hope if she sees this that she'll think it's a compliment too. Together, we embraced our inner-wackiness and ventured out into the Saturday Night craziness and had a night of it! We started at Cracker Barrel where we proceeded to give the staff challenges of dealing with whether we were sisters or not. We've got to get our story straight when asked this question - I say "yes" and Darla says "no." Confuses the heck out of people. In the gift shop, we quacked every duck, pushed buttons to tweet birds, opened every purse, read lots of greeting cards, ogled the candy, flipped through the Easter clothes, and laughed. We then went over to a couple of stores to shop. Again with the sister story not straight.  I swear if that lady with the 5" belt and 4" mini-dress had asked if we needed a basket again, I would have strangled her! Picked up a couple of things - Darla bagged bling-sandals and I, risky nature exposed, bought new reading glasses. Hey, they were purple and had swirls! Next, we thought we’d see and be seen at J.C. Penny.  Ah, nobody noteworthy browsing the sale racks - at least until we got there! I got new white Keds! Off to McDonalds for a night-cap (coke and ice cream). And, know what? There are people wackier than we are out there! Starting with the guy in a McDonalds uniform (must be management) nodding in and out of sleep in a tall chair. We kept our eyes on him hoping to witness his fall. There was also a burley guy writing squiggly lines on the front of a USA Today paper and giggling insanely at times! Anyway, the fun came to an all-too-early-end at 9:30 p.m. when we staggered out - full of caffeine and satisfied at having caught up on each others news.

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