Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Day at Froberg's Farm.... Almost

We set out Saturday to meet my sister, Dee-Dee, and her husband, Terry, for a picnic at Froberg's Farm.  A neat little vegetable market with a sausage house next door on Hwy 6, near Alvin, TX.  You can get the most yummy fresh fruits and veggies there and they always catch you at the door with a sample of the latest sausage - I love, love, the jalapeno deer sausage - greasy, spicy, with a hint of cheese!  I packed drinks, water for washing our fruit, paper towels, and picnic blanket.  Well, little did I know that they were harvesting strawberries!  They let the public pick their own and the line of traffic in must have been 2 miles long and dead-stopped!  Plan B - RV'ers always have Plan B.  We met at Joe's BBQ and ate from the buffet.  Please note:  frog legs do not taste like chicken!  We arrived before the rush so didn't have to elbow anyone aside.  I had wonderful broccoli cheese soup, fried shrimp, corn on the cob, and a fantastic salad.  And, you guessed it.... giant, red, ripe, perfect, fresh strawberries!  Probably from Froeberg's Farm!  Enjoy the photos we took.

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