Thursday, March 28, 2013

Leon & Kathy and Islamorada Fish Company

Enjoyed another good meal with Leon & Kathy at the Islamorada Fish Company Restaurant inside Bass Pro, Pearland, TX today.  

Earlier in the day as we planned where and when, I laughingly told them that we would meet at this place only on the condition that Leon wouldn't wear his ring.

Guess I'll have to tell the story of the last time we met at this restaurant.  And, Leon lost his wedding ring.

How, you ask, does someone lose their wedding ring over salad and fried shrimp? 

Stuff happens, I guess, but sure enough, he had lost his ring - called us the next day to ask if we had noticed it on his pinkie finger where he had been wearing it due to hand swelling.  We sadly had to say "no, we hadn't."  I jokingly said that I assumed it was a ring he'd had for quite a while and turns out he had had the same ring their entire marriage!  Ouch, what a loss!

He said they were going to go back by the Fish Company to see if it had been turned in, but I didn't hear much hope in his voice.  Well, would you believe it? - the ring was still there!  Right in the booth at the back of the cushions.  It must have slipped off his hand as he reached for his wallet.  Talk about happy!  We were all extremely happy it had been found!

Anyway, Leon had his wedding ring on tonight - properly secure on his left hand - right where it had been for 49 years!  

Hope to get together again soon!  Glad these guys could spend time Out There with Lea & Larry.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Vying for Mommy's Attention...

Last night, I called to talk to my daughter, Sara, about some dates for a visit to San Antonio's Sea World. It's hard to catch up to her with her work hours, especially on Tuesday when she stays late to tutor kids. We were using the wonderful FaceTime feature on our phones so I could see her in her pre-bedtime state - makeup removed and lounging PJs.  And, she could see me in mine - no makeup to start with and a cup of hot tea in hand.

After hellos with my grandson Adler, and a round of seeing who could stick out their tongues the best, Adler went about his business of making the call impossible.  Jumping on Mommy, swatting at the phone and talking silly. I saw a lot of the ceiling during this first round match. I decided to ditch the Mommy conversation and turned my attention to him.. I reminded him that Mimi and Papa were picking him up tomorrow from his school. Before we could even talk about the park, he was gathering things to throw!

Mommy and I said he better go find Daddy! Which he did... for a few minutes we were able to talk. Then, I saw Sara's eyes dart and here comes that sweet face in the screen - only he's got his earphones on and his iBee (iPad) to watch educational videos - maybe a Tom and Jerry cartoon too. He gave me his mean look and climbed over Sara looking for a way to worm into her arms.

Sometimes, it takes getting hit over the head with a brick for me to realize something... Adler was vying for Mommy's attention and I was cutting in!  Bye Sara - we'll talk later!

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Muffins

"Honey, you just relax and enjoy your book." said my husband, as he handed me a steaming mug of my favorite green tea. "I'll make the breakfast muffins." he called over his shoulder, as he stepped into our little kitchen and began the search for his favorite mix; strawberry - just add milk.

He knelt to light the tiny oven and announced loudly his success. "I got it lit the first time!"  He found the correct bowl on his own, but waved the giant dipper spoon at me and jokingly asked if a full spoon of mix to each muffin cup would be good.  I gave him a pained smile and told him that I always just pour the mix right from the bowl to about 2/3rds full for each muffin. 

I returned to my book and re-read the last sentence...

Just as I was about where I had left off, I couldn't help but hear drawers being opened and closed.  Sure enough, my husband said "Which drawer has the muffin tin?"  By now, I'm feeling a bit annoyed!  But, I just calmly answer, "Bottom drawer, Dear." Then began his search for the spray cooking oil... I averted my eyes in hopes that he would eventually find it in the pantry.  Right where it had been every time he had used it in the past.  And, he did.  

Keep in mind, our micro-kitchen is very organized - everything has a place and like-items are together.  I again returned to my reading and sighed my relief that soon we would be enjoying strawberry muffins. 

My hero in the book jumped in the racing vehicle in an effort to save the girl...

"Hey, Babe," my husband interrupted, "Do the muffins go on the top rack in the oven?" 

"Yeeeessssss." I said through clenched teeth. 

He continued aimlessly... "I have set the timer for 15 minutes, but it will probably take 17 minutes - I'll check them when it goes off - don't want them to be too crispy on the bottoms - I don't like them so crispy and this oven cooks a little fast..."

I closed my book, rose from my comfy chair, put a sweet expression on my face and went to sit at our cozy little kitchen table to wait for strawberry muffins.

This is how it is Out There with Lea & Larry. :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Day at Froberg's Farm.... Almost

We set out Saturday to meet my sister, Dee-Dee, and her husband, Terry, for a picnic at Froberg's Farm.  A neat little vegetable market with a sausage house next door on Hwy 6, near Alvin, TX.  You can get the most yummy fresh fruits and veggies there and they always catch you at the door with a sample of the latest sausage - I love, love, the jalapeno deer sausage - greasy, spicy, with a hint of cheese!  I packed drinks, water for washing our fruit, paper towels, and picnic blanket.  Well, little did I know that they were harvesting strawberries!  They let the public pick their own and the line of traffic in must have been 2 miles long and dead-stopped!  Plan B - RV'ers always have Plan B.  We met at Joe's BBQ and ate from the buffet.  Please note:  frog legs do not taste like chicken!  We arrived before the rush so didn't have to elbow anyone aside.  I had wonderful broccoli cheese soup, fried shrimp, corn on the cob, and a fantastic salad.  And, you guessed it.... giant, red, ripe, perfect, fresh strawberries!  Probably from Froeberg's Farm!  Enjoy the photos we took.

My Friend, Darla

This is my friend, Darla, and the best compliment I can pay her is that she's Wacky! I hope if she sees this that she'll think it's a compliment too. Together, we embraced our inner-wackiness and ventured out into the Saturday Night craziness and had a night of it! We started at Cracker Barrel where we proceeded to give the staff challenges of dealing with whether we were sisters or not. We've got to get our story straight when asked this question - I say "yes" and Darla says "no." Confuses the heck out of people. In the gift shop, we quacked every duck, pushed buttons to tweet birds, opened every purse, read lots of greeting cards, ogled the candy, flipped through the Easter clothes, and laughed. We then went over to a couple of stores to shop. Again with the sister story not straight.  I swear if that lady with the 5" belt and 4" mini-dress had asked if we needed a basket again, I would have strangled her! Picked up a couple of things - Darla bagged bling-sandals and I, risky nature exposed, bought new reading glasses. Hey, they were purple and had swirls! Next, we thought we’d see and be seen at J.C. Penny.  Ah, nobody noteworthy browsing the sale racks - at least until we got there! I got new white Keds! Off to McDonalds for a night-cap (coke and ice cream). And, know what? There are people wackier than we are out there! Starting with the guy in a McDonalds uniform (must be management) nodding in and out of sleep in a tall chair. We kept our eyes on him hoping to witness his fall. There was also a burley guy writing squiggly lines on the front of a USA Today paper and giggling insanely at times! Anyway, the fun came to an all-too-early-end at 9:30 p.m. when we staggered out - full of caffeine and satisfied at having caught up on each others news.

Happy Birthday, Larry!

Happy Birthday, Larry!  And Happy St. Patrick's Day, Everyone!

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Warm Spot

My husband and I sleep together. Every night. I like to snuggle and he lets me. Our bed is king-sized, but we sleep in the very middle and let the rest of the bed go to waste. When we spend the night at our daughter's home, we sleep on a twin bed quite comfortably. We have slept in a single sleeping bag together. One night on a mountain camping trip with icicles on the tent, we slept on just one army cot. I remember being a bit uncomfortable but at least I was warm and cherished. Nowadays, we often snuggle on our narrow couch and nap in each other's arms. When the daffodils bloom this spring, we will have been married 38 years. We are experts at sleeping together.

My husband snores. But his snoring resembles someone trying to blow out birthday candles - just gentle puffs of air. When it disturbs me, I groggily press my palm against his shoulder, he turns onto his side and resumes normal breathing. I snuggle against his back and continue sleeping. Our legs and feet or hips and arms must be touching in the night. The few nights in our marriage we had been apart were his occasional weekend of fishing with the guys or my annual girlfriend get-a-ways. That was until a job required me to spend my weekdays in another city. We thought "we can do this." Little did I know how hard it would be for me to sleep without him. I tried to be brave and not mention it. I found things to do well into the night to exhaust myself to sleep. I woke many mornings disoriented and in search of my long-time sleeping partner. I missed the soft snoring and the times he inadvertently snagged my hair at night. I missed hearing him mumble as he dreamed. I missed him reaching for me and slinging a leg over mine. What I did enjoy were the sheets always being neat and straight. I discovered that it was most definitely him that mangled the covers.

Two years later, that job ended and we returned to our normal sleeping arrangements. Over a glass of sweet Riesling one evening, my husband said "I will never take you for granted again!" He had felt the same unrest (pun intended?) in my absence. Later, we moved to the center of our big bed and snuggled down, content to once again be together every night. As I stayed awake watching his chest rise and fall, I began to feel chilly - so, I just pressed against him and he automatically moved aside to let me have the warm spot.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Day with John & Deb

John and Debbie (and Sam) visited on a day trip up from Rockport.  It was so wonderful that they could see Sara and Adler again! We also got to show them our old home-base, Larry's old job, Imperial Sugar, Skeeters Stadium, and Sugar Land Town Square. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch at Smashburger and if you've never been there, you're missing something! They make the most wonderful onion strings and fried carrots & green beans, not to mention the great burgers! Sam enjoyed a run around the square and we stopped to read some of the local history engraved in the stone pavers at the park. We returned to the RV and just caught up on everything from music and writing to future travel. We poured over maps and shared past experiences. Can you ever have too many friends? I say "no" - but it's rare to find friends like these! Thanks for the visit, John & Deb and we'll see you "out there!"

Adler at the Carnival

Thanks to wonderful Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo connected friends, Howard and Beverly, Adler had a Disney-like day at the Rodeo Carnival. They supplied ride tickets so that he could ride to his heart's content. And ride, he did! Mommy and Daddy rode too and had a day of silly laughter - much needed in this serious work-world we live in. Fried Snickers and funnel cakes became lunch and dinner for the happy carnival-goers since they stayed well into the evening. And, look at the giant parrot his Daddy won to commemorate - the biggest stuffed animal on the grounds!

Thanks, Howard & Beverly! Enjoy photos and video.  Oh, and the bump on his forehead happened on the way into the Carnival but didn't slow him down one bit!  He was one very happy boy!

Calendar Event: Adler - Overnight

I love seeing any calendar event on my iPhone that starts with "Adler". Such as "Adler - Chuck e Cheese Pizza" or "Adler - Pick up from School". Yesterday the calendar said: "Adler - Overnight". Mom and Dad had a concert to attend so Mimi and Papa put on their "going to the play-park" clothes and loaded the little dude and his stuff up for the night. Seems he's traveling a little lighter these days and didn't need a whole suitcase full of dinosaurs, trains, and train track! He does love to bring his iPad, though, and can work it at 3 better than I can at... well, older. We stopped off at the play-park where we raced from tree to tree and played on the equipment. He discovered a nice mound of ants at the base of the steps - "Mean ants!" he yelled, and with his fists doubled at his sides, raised his foot to stomp on them. "No, Adler - they might bite you!" I said. Do you know what he did then? It looked like he was thinking really hard about going ahead and stomping them but he just furrowed his brow (his mean look) and ... spit on them!

We left the park and arrived at the rig and unloaded: one large yellow Tonka dump truck, one larger Tonka front end loader, one bucket & shovel, and the iPad (he calls it his iBee) along with various clothes, jacket, shoes, etc. We're set for the night to play. We build roads in the gravel, make pretend soup in the bucket, and do play-dough, and bubbles. Now, it's time for Adler's all-time favorite thing - "Chase me!" You kinda have to "be there" to get the full effect, but in essence, it involves chasing him around and around the bar with something that's going to "get him" - all the while saying "I'm gonna get you!" Last night, it was a fork and spoon held together or one of the green monkeys from his barrel-of-monkeys. His imagination (and energy) amaze me! Some days, he wants to chase you!!  We wound down for the night with a book or two. He really likes "I Will Never, No Not Ever, Eat a Tomato" and a very old book we used to read to his Mama "The House That Had Enough."

He snuggles when he sleeps with us. Priceless. This morning he has coffee with Papa (sorry Mom, but it was mostly milk) in a big no-spill travel mug and gets ready to do it all over again.... "Mimi, I wanna go outside."

Just had to share one picture from “Adler - Overnight” and a video from one of the other Adler calendar days:

Friday, March 8, 2013

From a Mother Cow's Perspective...

Well, today's as good a day as any to drop Junior, thought Lola, as she surveyed her surroundings. The weather is dry, the sky is fair, and the nearby tree-line offers some break in the heavy spring winds. Ms. Aggie-Cow is nearby with her little one offering encouragement.

When Betsy delivered a few days ago, the buzzards took up around her hoping for a stillbirth. Well, they can look elsewhere today, cause Junior's been romping inside like he's practicing for the Calf Scramble at the Rodeo! Speaking of the Rodeo, his Daddy is probably off struttin' his stuff around the other lady cows, hoping to catch their attention. He has that bravado cultivated during his years in bull riding competition. I have to admit that's what caught my eye in the first place - his confidence. Didn't hurt that he didn't slobber and had long eyelashes too. Guess you could say I was "with calf" just after that first encounter behind the sale barn.

So, here I am in the middle of the grassy pasture, not too far from the pond, calling that bull every name in the book! My, but I feel heavy with milk and the pressure is unrelenting. I lower my head and let out a rather un-ladylike sound and think, "not yet!" Well, Junior's on his own schedule and at last makes his grand entrance (or exit), depending on how you want to look at it. I count his hooves, check under his tail, and just gaze into his soft brown eyes. It takes awhile to lovingly clean him and all the while, I'm telling him about life in the pasture at the old Booth Ranch.

Old man Booth is a hoot - and the only one who rides pasture on a horse - a pretty white-faced mare with a saucy gait. The ranch hands all prefer those noisy four-wheelers and usually, there's a pack of mixed-breed dogs followin' and barkin'. Occasionally, Melissa will come down the pasture with her rambunctious grandchildren and, Junior, they always bring a bottle with sweet milk for you baby calves to suckle. The children giggle and laugh and love it if you nuzzle them. Stay inside the fence, though Boy, the road nearby is surely dangerous. If you want to explore, you can follow the fence-line all the way down past the blackberry bushes and behind the old plantation house. There, just past the blooming azaleas, is a marker about the arrival of the family in the late 1800's. So, stand tall Junior, (those wobbly legs will get stronger); be proud that you're a Registered Booth Black Angus Bull.

Inspired when we happened upon a brand-new newborn baby calf. Had we been passing by five or ten minutes earlier, we likely could have witnessed the birth! Wonder...... just what cows do think when birthing.....???
Lola and Junior

Busy Fun Schedule

We sure have had a busy fun schedule these past couple of weeks!  We have had more play-dates with Adler and continue to be amazed at just how he's growing!  He's so smart and has such a sense of humor!  On Wednesday, he demonstrated two things - one) how to ride his mini-four-wheeler backwards and, two) how to use the slot in the front of his underwear to go pee-pee!

We have had dinner with Sara, Justin, and Adler at my favorite place - Cracker Barrel.  I love watching Adler eat pancakes for dinner and a word of advice - never, never cut his long strips of bacon in half!

We have spent time with Mac, too.  Making a trip to the old Sharpstown Mall for job-interview black scrubs.  That boy can also drink some coffee - he depletes my sugar bowl every time!

We went to the movies to see Bruce Willis in Die Hard 5.  Love the Star Cinema Grill on Tuesdays and Thursdays - you can get cute little pork slider sandwiches that are delicious and loaded with dill pickles slices.

We've enjoyed a dinner with Becky and Paul at Lupitas in Sugar Land.  Wonderful company and wonderful fajitas - don't think I've ever had a tastier flour tortilla!  We stopped by the book store after dinner and found a copy of the book featuring Paul and his ordeal of being shot as an HPD Officer!  The book is titled "The Faces of Evil" and is the story of forensic artist, Lois Gibson, and how her drawings have helped solve many crimes. 

Today, we ran errands and on a whim at Lowe's Home Improvement, picked up the material to make a plexi-glass cover for our screen door.  That way, we can leave it open and enjoy the view outdoors without the dirt blowing in!  Man, this has been a windy few weeks!

And, I'm writing and enjoying new-found friends from the Saturday class - Kathy- fellow student, and Toni - the class instructor. 

Have lots of plans for the coming weeks - hang around out there with Lea & Larry!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Writing? Say what?

Some of my family and friends know that I have grand ideas of writing something.  Writing something that someone would want to read - everyone has a book "in them" somewhere, right?  Well, now that we're footloose and fancy free (free from Corporate jobs), maybe there's time to explore that idea.  Explore and try to get over not knowing just how to begin.  Explore and try to put aside the fear of failure... Well, I took my first step by taking a class with my friend, Jody, on Saturday.  We met a wonderful teacher and learned about "creating three-dimensional characters."   I think the biggest thing I learned was that writing is very personal - and that you can do it even if you are not a whiz at grammar, punctuation, and spelling.  So, you may see things here on our travel blog about writing.  Bear with me as you go "Out There With Lea and Larry."

By the way, the author and instructor of the class was Toni Teepell and her book is:
"a truth worth tellin'".  Check it out on Amazon or her website:

Friday, March 1, 2013


Just spent a fabulous day in Rockport, and Port Aransas, TX with friends, John and Debbie.  Both of them are musicians but, recently Debbie has been putting her songs out on the web.  I would love it if you would go to SongRamp and experience her music.  Below is the SongRamp link.  Her name on the site is "Riverwind".  Enjoy!!  BTW: she also painted the mural in her cover-shot - it's in the clubhouse at Hidden Oaks RV Resort, Rockport, TX.  We have such talented friends!

Here are a few photos from our day:

John & Debbie


Port Aransas Ferry

Port A Ferry Seagull

Pilfering Pelican

Looking for your bait bucket