Sara, Justin, and Adler visited the last week of June. It was a very busy week! From Yellowstone Park to the Continental Divide - from fishing to zip-lining - from hiking to roasting marshmallows - from white water rafting to mountain bike riding (you'll have to ask Justin about that adventure), you name it, we did it! Here are photos in no particular order.
On the boardwalk - near Grand Prismatic - YNP
Yellowstone Lake
Exploring with Papa
Adler is oblivious to Old Faithful (he's burying one of his Transformers)
Hitchcock moment over the Falls
Yes, there is a Grand Canyon
Beautiful day out!
Justin shoots an elk...
Justin & Sara
Justin, Sara & Adler at YNP
Fishing on Hebgen Lake
Roasted Marshmallows!
Little tree climber
Geared up to whitewater raft
Sara & Justin took me whitewater rafting near Big Sky at Montana Whitewater Company.
Larry stayed behind for a "Papa" day with Adler.
It was just us against the river!
Our raft, christened "Our Lady of the Waves" held only the three of us and our guide, Taylor. "Two forward!" or "All forward!" he shouted as we paddled around huge rocks and avoided strainers (brush & dangerous logs) along the Madison River. We conquered rapids named "Killer Fang Falls" and "High Speed Alley" and caught our breath along those named "Bambi" and "Thumper."
Straight out of our wet-suits, we downed a burger and hit the ropes to zip-line. I have to admit, stepping off the first platform wasn't easy. But, the kids in front of me did it - so I did too! I did NOT want to be one of those who took a "push, with permission" that our guides said they could do! The day was such an adventure!
Sara, Justin & Zip Crew
Zippin' Lea
Zippin' Sara & Justin
Yikes, it's a ride!
Zippin' Justin
Adler with a Utah Chub
Here's the elk Justin shot... (with his camera)
Ah, technology!
Special thanks are noted to Yellowstone Holiday RV Park for their beautiful cabins and extra time off. Sara & Justin enjoyed time with Adler on the days we committed to work and we enjoyed a fun day with Adler when they took a fantastic trip to the top of Lone Peak on ski lifts and a tram. See their photos on Facebook. I hope it will remain a memorable vacation for them - it surely was a wonderful time for us!
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