On recent visits to businesses in our prior life's home area near Houston I bumped into two different past co-worker/friends that I had lost contact with! Both had worked with me at the bank many years ago. First, I saw Becky and we soon picked up right where we had left off. We ran into each other a second time at the RV Show and we were able to meet her husband, Paul. We arranged to have lunch the following week. We went to a Chinese food restaurant which was a special treat for me since Larry does all he can to avoid that kind of restaurant. We had so much to catch up on that we almost stayed into the dinner hour! It was wonderful discussing our children and how they had grown - it's hard to believe that we're grandparents now! Becky and I will definitely be getting back together while we're in the area.
Next, I crossed paths with Deedi. She had worked in New Accounts at the bank and was always so knowledgeable and nice! She was with her husband and family so I was able to see how some of her children had grown! Her daughter, now married and was expecting twins! We shared a few photos, thanks to iPhones, and our contact information. I expect we'll be keeping in touch via email and such.
The old saying that you can never have too many friends is true. I am so glad to be reconnected with these great girls...