Friday, September 28, 2012

Final Days at Fred's

Enjoyed our last few days at Fred & Kim's. We took a trip into Tulsa to go to an estate sale looking for treasure. Then we picked up a mini-frosty ice cream and hit the local flea market. You could find anything you were looking for there from live snakes, flamingo plates, and Elvis memorabilia to quilt stands. There was even a clown! Our stay in the Keystone State Park had beautiful lake views and a nice place to ride the bicycles. We were even able to listen to the live band on the water at the local pier restaurant. Thanks, Fred & Kim, for putting up with us - hope to get together again soon!

Our front door view at Keystone Lake State Park

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Thank a Teacher

On our travels, we see lots of billboards!  I saw one that said "Thank a Teacher" so this post is to thank our daughter, Sara, 5th Grade math and science teacher.  You do make a difference!

Buttermilk Biscuits

On the road again!  First stop is to see my brother.  Fred & Kim are wonderful hosts!  Already enjoying Kim's homemade buttermilk biscuits and the view of the lake from the the big porch!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pull-out pantry shelving

After weeks of searching for pre-fab pull-out shelving or wire baskets for our pantry, Larry decided to design, build, and install his own.  And they are fantastic!  The pantry shelves have small openings - only about 9" - but they are about 25" deep making it very hard to see what was at the back.  These pull-outs will make it so much easier to find things!  He also built dividers for what we were calling our "junk" drawer.   Needless to say, I am a happy camper!


And more organized!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Caught Up!

Our journal is caught up. It was more difficult than I thought to go back and write about the past year and 4 months. For anyone reading to catch up, it’s probably best to select each post from the sidebar menu to get a more chronological look of our travels. Going forward, it will work like any other Blog - most recent post on top.

In reviewing what I’ve written, I realize I’ve missed posting about several other wonderful things and visits - such as watching an eclipse with friends and their children and visiting family not often seen (my, how the little ones have grown). Wonderful birthdays, and other holidays celebrated, and fish fry fun and water parks - to name a few. There have been new births and yes, even funerals for loved ones. Some memories are personal but all memories are close to our hearts.

Lubbock Area Veterans War Memorial - July 7, 2012

Larry's dad, brothers, uncles and friends are among those who served our country.  This memorial in Lubbock, Texas is a tribute to them and the other men and women who served.  It represents those who have a connection to the Lubbock and South Plains area. It is composed of individual bricks engraved with names and other information about their service.

We visited the Memorial around dusk and the sunset, reflections, shadows of the pillars, and then the lights gave heart-touching impact to the magnitude of such bravery. The sacrifices made by these individuals to keep our country free is meaningfully honored at this Memorial. Throughout the Memorial are engraved quotes. If you get the chance to visit, take time to read them - my favorite was a quote from Elmer Davis: "This will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave".

Sunday, September 9, 2012

New RV & Big Trip - April 20, 2012 - July 10, 2012

April 20, 2012 - May 4, 2012

Returned to the home area for more time with family before heading out on what we are calling the "Big Trip". And guess what? We bought a larger RV - a 2012 Jayco Eagle 5th wheel and enlisted our kids help to “move“. Moving all of our worldly possessions from a 27' to a 40' - took more effort than you can imagine even though it was just steps between the two rigs! Couldn't have done it without Sara and Mac’s help! So, the big dream is a reality - we are full-time RV'ers and about to set off on what‘s to be the first of (I hope) many big trips!

Here is a bit of a bullet-point recap of some of the things we did.  We drove 8,199 miles!  Diesel averaged $3.76 per gallon and we averaged 12.7 mpg.  With club discounts, etc. we averaged paying about $25.00 per night for camping - sometimes in lovely campgrounds with palm trees and pools and once with painted tires used to enchance landscaping!  I don't have photos of some sights and people (I often forgot to take pictures being "in the moment") but the memories are going to last a lifetime.  Visiting grand destinations doesn't begin to compare to the time spent with family and friends - those are the most precious memories!

May 4, 2012 - July 10, 2012 - The Big Trip
  • Galveston, TX - Visit my favorite sister & brother-in-law
  • Seguin, TX - Visit friend, Liz
  • Brownfield/Slaton/Seminole/Wellman/Lubbock, TX - Visit Larry's family & friends 
  • Tombstone, AZ - Realistic re-enactment of the Shoot-Out at the O.K. Corral
  • South Rim - Grand Canyon
  • North Rim - Grand Canyon
  • Merced/Atwater/Lincoln/Watsonville, CA - Visit cousins and aunts and their families
  • San Francisco/Golden Gate Bridge - Arrival of my brother
  • Yosemite National Park
  • Lake Tahoe, CA
  • Petaluma/Sonoma & Napa Valleys
  • Bodega Bay/Bodega, CA - site of Alfred Hitchcock's filming of The Birds
  • California Coastline - stunningly beautiful!
  • Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve
  • The Petrified Forest, Calistoga, CA
  • Sequoia National Park
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Hoover Dam
  • Cloudcroft, NM
  • Hobbs, NM - visit nephew and family
  • Brownfield, TX - visit Larry's Dad, family & friends 
  • Brownwood, Texas - great Underwood's BBQ
  • Adler, TX - no it's not a real place but it's a Top destination - Grandson City!
Again, a few photos:

Travel day in new Jayco

Shoot out at the O.K. Corral

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon hellicopter ride

Brother, aunts & cousin


Golden Gate Bridge - 75th anniversary

Old family photo of Golden Gate Bridge - 1966

Wine Tour

Beautiful California Coastline


Schoolhouse & Church featured in "The Birds"

My meeting with Alfred Hitchcock

Cousin & wife
Armstrong Redwoods


More giant sequoias

Las Vegas, NV


Cloudcroft, NM nesting hummingbird
Let's keep in touch!

Grandson City events

We sold the house! March 6, 2012

And, having lived these past several months in the cozy-space RV versus the house, my mindset moves toward what's said in one of my favorite quotes:

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”. (William Morris)

Rockport, Texas - January 19, 2012 - April 19, 2012

What was originally planned as spending a month with friends, John & Debbie, turned into this second workamping job. We agreed to a 3 months stay in a 51 site RV Park within 1 mile of Goose Island State Park. It was about 9 miles into Rockport. We were within biking or walking distance of the bay but thankfully, not right on the water so we didn't have to deal with the salt water spray, high winds, and other problems. We saw dolphins, birds and cranes, a 2,000 year old oak tree grove, and beautiful sunsets.
It was wonderful having friends and family visit us in Rockport! Sara, Justin, and Adler came for a weekend and Adler was able to stay an extra 4 nights! It was quite special to take a dusk stroll/chase (Adler loves to run) on the beach and see the wonder in his eyes at every little pebble, seashell, and wave. He entertained the park staff and guests and particularly loved riding in the golf cart, always asking the manager, Mitch for the keys.

Other friend and family visits were:
  • My nephew, Fred Jr., Tabatha and their precious kids, Jordan, Bailey, & Kayla. We fished on the big pier in the State Park, played pool in the clubhouse and had a ball!
  • Carter and Nancy, friends from Larry's job. We enjoyed showing them around and great seafood dining at Charlotte Plummer's Seafare Restaurant!
  • Darla, friend and past co-worker from the bank. We chased seagulls on the beach, went through gift shops and in general laughed and caught up.
  • Friends Jody and David came the same weekend as Darla. When you mix Darla's bubbly personality with Jody and David's witty humor - it was quite a party! David cooked chops on the grill and we had a first-class dinner in their RV!

Having visitors was great, but having good friends in the park to work with was equally great! Spending time with Debbie and John in Rockport always proved interesting. John loves to fish and you know us - we love to eat! We enjoyed going places together, sharing meals, crafts, and the job. Both Debbie and John play dulcimers - beautiful stringed instruments and they provided many evenings of great entertainment.

Debbie painted beautiful murals in the clubhouse and office. They are simply wonderful and speak of the sights of the area.

I painted "The Monstrosity" a huge teacher's desk, turned around backwards to the wall and set up to hold the coffee pot in the clubhouse. We enjoyed many social hours and good times on the clubhouse porch, playing card bingo and having pot luck dinners. We also built a stone fire pit and had a blast roasting marshmallows, and making s'mores and hot dogs. John and Debbie introduced us to little apple pies cooked over the fire in a neat little cast-iron press.

We made many, many memories while in Rockport - too many to write in detail about but I know I'll never forget the walks on the beach, Larry's evening guitar playing, the Wildlife Preserve, John & Debbie's fresh ground pancakes, deer sightings, John's pulled-pork sandwiches, waves crashing the bulkhead after a storm, trips into Port Aransas and Aransas Pass, the ferry, The Port A Brewing Company (great hamburgers), the hammock, tire-loving peacock, Debbie's solar oven baked bread, The Birds of Prey Lady, Ron's painting tips, Jim & Mary Jane's workamping dos & don'ts, Pam's shady tent cocktail hour, John C's snake rescue, the little Aquarium, bay art such as "Into the Wind", sea-faring black & white movies at the Maritime Museum, trying to learn cribbage, the belly-dancing class that never was, Art's fishing tales, Serge's stories, David & Nicole's & many other's friendly conversations, Mitch & Barb's wonderful goodbye dinner for us... and did I say, sunsets, dolphins, and cranes?

Enjoy a few photos and videos....